Mobile users in India now have the ability to block and track their lost or stolen phones through the Sanchar Saathi portal. The Department of Telecom (DoT) has expanded the scope of the portal, allowing people to block, track, and verify the authenticity of used devices before purchasing them.
The Sanchar Saathi facilities were developed by C-DoT, the technology development arm under the DoT, and the website is a citizen-centric initiative aimed at empowering mobile subscribers and enhancing security. The CEIR system, which is part of the Sanchar Saathi portal, has been piloted in several telecom circles, including Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and the North East region. Karnataka Police recently used the CEIR system to recover and return 2,500 lost mobile phones to their owners.
On the Sanchar Saathi website, users have access to the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR), which allows them to block their lost mobile phones after undergoing identity verification and submitting an undertaking. The portal then interacts with law enforcement agencies and telecom service providers to implement the block.
Additionally, the Know Your Mobile feature on Sanchar Saathi helps users verify the authenticity of second-hand mobile phones before making a purchase. The website also includes the TAFCOP (Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection) feature, which allows users to check if there are any unauthorized mobile numbers associated with their name.
Telecom operators and the CEIR system have visibility into the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of devices and the mobile numbers linked to them. This information is used in some states to track and recover lost or stolen mobile phones. The Indian government has made disclosing the IMEI number mandatory before the sale of mobile devices in the country.
One common practice among thieves is to change the IMEI number of stolen mobile phones to prevent tracking and blocking. However, the CEIR system can block cloned mobile phones on the network by utilizing various databases.
In addition to blocking and tracking, users can also access their SIM cards through the Sanchar Saathi website and block them if necessary. The website aims to empower citizens by providing them with information about mobile connections issued in their name, allowing them to disconnect unnecessary connections, and report any connections that they did not request.
Overall, the Sanchar Saathi portal offers various modules, including CEIR and TAFCOP, to enhance the safety and security of mobile users in India.