Two constables who were stationed in Janakpuri, west Delhi, have been apprehended in Vikaspuri along with an additional individual on suspicion of extorting Rs 1 lakh from a website designer. These law enforcement officers collaborated with their informants to extract money from the victim, who was working at his office in New Krishna Park.
The victim, Vikrant Chauhan, along with his coworkers, was working late on Monday night when the police officers entered their workplace. Upon questioning their actions, the accused men informed them that they had engaged in some “mischievous activities”, but refused to provide further details at the time.
Chauhan, who had recently established his office, informed the authorities that as they were wrapping up their work around 12.15am, the two policemen, accompanied by another individual, entered their office and demanded their cellphones. “They collected our phones in a plastic bag and brandished a firearm they had concealed in their pocket. They assaulted me in front of my colleagues and forced me into their car,” Chauhan stated in his police complaint.
The accused individuals instructed him to sit inside the vehicle and proceeded to drive him around for over an hour. “Initially, they demanded Rs 5 lakh from me, but eventually settled for Rs 1 lakh,” he added. Chauhan then contacted a colleague who had been inside the office with him and requested that they bring the money near District Centre.
Thirty minutes later, the colleague arrived at the designated location and handed over a bag containing the requested amount to the perpetrators. “Before they sped away, we managed to note down the car’s registration number,” Chauhan revealed.
DCP (west) Vijay Kumar stated, “Four individuals were involved in this crime, two of whom were constables stationed at Janakpuri police station.”
An FIR has been filed at Vikaspuri police station under IPC sections 384 (punishment for extortion), 411 (dishonestly receiving stolen property), and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention). The two constables, Narender Kumar and Karamveer, along with their accomplice, Naresh Kumar, have been arrested. Authorities are currently making efforts to apprehend the fourth suspect, Guddu. “The accused individuals were later granted bail,” confirmed the officer.